Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Gods Grace is Sufficient

I had one of my "I think I get it! (well kinda, sorta, I hope I am getting it) moments.

We will ALL be in Heaven!  The question is, will WE WANT to be there?

Imagine living a lifetime of darkness and then at the end of your earthly life you are thrust back into the brightest light imaginable (his presence).  Would you stay and push as close to the source of that light as you can, OR, would you be more likely to shield you eyes and retreat as fast as possible?  That would be the extreme example of course.  But suspecting what it might be like (because what ever we imagine, it WILL be BETTER) we should live as much in the light as we can so that we have a better chance of tolerating the light and being able to quickly adjust our eyes (souls) and wanting to stay.

Because at the Final Judgement it will be more likely that Jesus will be BEGGING us to stay with him, rather than the other way around.Will we be willing to adjust our eyes (souls) or be more worried that it will burn us so we say, "Get Me Out Of Here!"

So we must practice, practice, practice living our lives in the light.  When we hit a wrong note, does that mean we give up?  Or do we continue to practice until we get it right?  Even the most skilled Pianist hits some wrong notes occationally, so they practice, and practice, AND PRACTICE till they have it perfect.  Then they move on and up to the next challenge that will increase their abilities, and again, and again, never quiting the progression on and up.

The only options are NOT Perfection or Giving Up. (Carnegie Hall or Nothing)

Grace is the presence of God's Power. It does not wait for us at the finish line, but rather,  is the constant energy that carries us there.  We need only to plug in and accept that power.  It is given freely to any and all that want it.  He WANTS us to accept it.

Jesus is not pulling FOR me.  He is pulling WITH me.

God's Grace IS Sufficient.  It is enough.  It is ALL we need.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully worded! I will like to take the time to watch that clip again and then reread your post. I like it! You are amazing. I am learning from you.
