Saturday, January 15, 2011

First Official Post Ya'll!

So I started this blog today. I have been thinking about it for a while. I am 33 years old and have learned many lessons in my life, from both good experiences and bad. The current result is I am happy with my life right now and if I hadn't experienced the things I have I wouldn't be who I am. That sounds soo cliche but it is soo true. So I am going to post the stuff that runs thru my head. I will probably post very sporatically as I am a little nuts and all over the place. LOL

I am married to a kick ass man, Kenny. We have been married going on 7 years now. We have 3 children that continue to amaze me everyday. Well almost, cause lets be honest, somedays I am so wrapped up in getting everything done on the "Perfect Wife/Mommy/Friend/Woman" list that I forget to pay attention. ;-) But on the days I am paying attention they are AWESOME! Jacob is 9, he is from my first marriage. He is brilliant and I always tease him that he is my retirement plan. LOL Logan is 5 and looks so much like his dad you wouldn't even know he belongs to me too! Cassidy (Cassie) is 2 and has the funnest personality and most awesome hair! I prayed and prayed that if I ever had a girl that she would get her dad's curly hair so that all I would have to do is wet it down and shake. And I got my wish! She can run around with bed head all day and STILL get compliments on her hair. Kenny is the kindest man I know. Even when we disagree it isn't a fight and I love that! He has NEVER said an unkind word to me. He gives me advice in the most patient and loving way and even though he knows that I will probably do it my own way (cause I STILL have to learn the hard way!) he still tells me what he thinks will be best. I am slowly learning that he knows what he is talking about. He is also very handy, we have yet to have to call a repair man or take our vehicle to the repair shop. That's my family in a very small nut shell, but no worries, you will read plenty about them in the future. :-)

Well, one of my many New Years Resolutions is to get my butt to bed by 11:00pm and I am failing miserably tonight! So I will say adieu. Sleep tight and remember to hug those babies!